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- 4×4 board.
- 15 light and 15 dark pieces:
- 5 Squares
- 5 Triangles
- 5 Cylinders
- Minimalist 2-player abstract strategy game.
- Players are architects competing to build Towers.
- The last piece determines the opponent's possible moves.
- The first player to control three Towers wins the game.
Game play
- White starts by playing any piece on any space. If White plays a Square, they cannot play a Square as their second piece.
- Players take turns to play one of their pieces.
- Each space of the board can support only one Tower.
- Each Tower is made of one piece of each kind:
- Note: each Tower can have either colour of pieces.
- Note: pieces may be played in any order.
- If the active player cannot play according to the last piece's rule, they may play on any empty space.
- A Tower is controlled by the player with the most pieces.
- The opponent must play in an orthogonally adjacent space.
- i.e. vertically or horizontally.
- Note: White cannot place two squares in a row as their first and second move.
- The active player selects the orientation.
- Must point to at least one space.
- The opponent must play in the line indicated by the Triangle.
- Note: Triangles cannot be re-oriented.
- The opponent must play on the same space.
Game End
- The first player to control three completed Towers wins.
- If the active player has no possible moves the game ends with tiebreaks:
- Most completed towers.
- Most two-piece towers.
- Most one-piece towers.
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