You are a traveler trying to recreate the landscapes you have seen during the journey, using layers of paper. Stack the various layers of paper you find to have the most victory points at the end of the game.
On Your Turn
You must either Take one or more card(s) or Place one or more card(s) in front of you to form your landscape.
To take, select a card and take all the cards of the same value or all the cards of the same color from the center. You cannot have more than 9 cards in hand at the end of your turn. If you exceed the limit, you must discard the excess cards to your discard pile.
To place, you can place on one or more piles in your landscape either card of the same color or the same value, with the following rules:
- You do not have to place all possible cards from your hand.
- You must build your landscape in ascending order on the same spot, always of the same color.
- If you want to "skip" a number, you must discard a card from your hand to do so. This skip can only be performed once per turn.
- Cards in your landscape must be a 3x3 grid.
- cards can be placed orthogonally adjacent (not diagonally) to already created piles, as long as this respects the 3x3 grid by the end of the game.
If you play a card with a "scissors" logo surrounding the number, you may place the scissors token onto the card. Placing the scissors token onto the card is optional. As long as you holding the scissors token, you can skip for free each turn. However, you cannot place any card on the card with scissors token until either player plays a new card with a scissors logo and moves the token.
At the end of your turn, if you have fulfilled an objective, take the highest remaining score. You cannot fulfill the same objective twice.
End of Game
When only 2 piles of cards remaining in the center at at the end of a player's turn, the end game is triggered. Each player, including the one who triggered, plays one more turn before the final scoring.
- Number of stars on each visible card
- Stars from objectives
- Lose 1 point for each card in your hand and your discard pile.
- The scissors token earns you an additional 2 stars.
The player with the most stars wins. In case of a tie, the player with the fewest cards in their discard pile wins.