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About Hanabi Skills - 1b before 2b

Hello there!
Welcome to the 1b before 2b group.
This group is dedicated to enjoy playing (and learning) the wonderful game of Hanabi together, and as such is open to everybody.

We are a group of people who find a lot of joy in playing the game of Hanabi. As such we came together in the group 2b or not 2b. That group mostly consists of players with 1.000-10.000 games of Hanabi. This joy we find in the game of Hanabi is something we also want to share with players who are discovering the game.
From that the aim of this group is to have fun together while playing and learning Hanabi. We will mostly focus on the standard BGA conventions.
We can learn and enjoy though: playing together, sharing replays, reviewing games, doing Hanabi puzzles, discussion conventions, play friendly competitions and much more.

When starting with Hanabi it's a lot of fun to discover everything for yourself. At least I had a lot of fun learning some magical unspoken convention set, without reading a big description. We encourage you to enjoy your first (100?) games this way, and to avoid this group if you are still finding a lot of fun in that.

Have the most fun!

We have only 1 rule: Respect that some players don't want to abandon over mistakes. If everybody agrees fine, but if somebody refuses also please respect that and just continue. You agreed to start a game together so if some want to finish it, that should be respected.

13 members

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