Bugsclarification gaiaproject
GEN1: On iOS/Mac, the game is unresponsive.
The rendering engine on Apple devices deals very poorly with shadows. You'll get much better performance by setting the "Structure outlines" user preference to "No outlines." This is true regardless of which browser you're using.
GEN2: Will you add an undo button?
We understand this is a popular request, but we have no plans to do so at the moment. See discussion at boardgamearena.com/bug?id=50676.
If we were to add an undo button, it would not allow you to undo anything other than resource conversion.
GEN3: The booster tile is covering the conversions pane!
Check the preferences for other options for the booster tile.
CONV1: Why do I only get one credit when I convert the Brainstone to credits?
If you want to get more than one credit, click on that button more than one time. The game does not do this automatically in order to allow you to allocate the spent power as desired.
CONV2: Why don't I get a chance to convert resources at the end of my turn?
CONV3: I should get the option to charge before or after gaining power!
There are options in the pull-down menu to the right to enable this under various conditions. By default, options are selected that improve the speed of the game.
CONV4: I have enough power to perform a power action, but it doesn't show up as available!
There are two possible reasons:
- You're lacking something else that would be required to perform that action. For example, if you don't have a mine and enough resources to build a mine, the terraforming actions won't show as available.
- Someone else has taken that action this round.
TECH1: I advanced to the top of a track and didn't get the advanced tech for that track!
That is not how you gain an advanced tech. Check out the "how to play" section.
TECH2: The game isn't allowing me to gain an advanced tech!
TECH3: The game isn't allowing me to advance to level 5 in a research track!
Both of these require a green federation tile. If you want to do both in a single action, you need two federation tiles.
BLDG1: I can't form a federation!
The federation rules are surprisingly intricate given the amount of space they occupy in the rulebook. See boardgamegeek.com/thread/2120375/official-federation-faq for more details. If you've read that and are still convinced there's a problem, open a bug report.
Xenos: note that 7 power is required if you have not built your PI.
Bescods: note that power is only increased on titanium planets, and only after you have built your PI.
Ivits: See RACE4 below.
BLDG2: The game isn't allowing me to upgrade!
This is usually because you lack the resources required to perform any available upgrades. Occasionally, it's because you lack the structures (because they are already on the board).
BLDG3: Why wasn't my federation bug report accepted?
To diagnose federation forming problems, we the move number of the action andd a screenshot showing which hexes are selected. Without these, it's nearly impossible to piece together exactly what's happening and when.
BLDG4: I provided a screenshot and move number, but my bug report was marked "notabug"!
Federation building rules are complicated and nuanced. We've received a large number of false reports due to rules misunderstandings. Please consult the rulebook and this FAQ:
RACE1: As Hadsch Hallas, how do I use my PI ability?
Once you've built your PI, the new conversion options will be available under the Convert menu.
RACE2: My faction's ability isn't working!
Make sure you're not confusing your passive ability with the ability granted by your Planetary Institute. If it's the PI ability, you'll need to have built your PI.
RACE3: As Nevlas, what happens to the remaining half a power when I convert?
Any "half power" not used is lost. Make sure you select all desired conversions before clicking confirm.
RACE4: How do I form a second federation as Ivits?
Your existing federation starts out pre-selected. Your second federation must connect to your existing federation. Don't forget that Ivits spend QICs for satellites!