During your turn you MUST do 2 Basic Actions during this phase of their turn. There are 2 types of Basic Actions players may do; Plant and Swap. Players may do all their actions in any order they like and they may mix or repeat their actions. A player may also spend their Seedy Business tokens to complete extra actions on their turn.
Plant (Basic Action) A player chooses a Flower token on the Stalk Exchange and places it in any unoccupied space in the Garden, Bulb side up.
Swap (Basic Action) A player takes a Flower token from the Stalk Exchange, adds it to their Stalk Portfolio, and then replaces it with a different type of Flower token from their Portfolio.
Seedy Business (Optional Actions) If a player has Seedy Business tokens to spend, they may take extra actions in addition to their Basic Actions at any point during the Action Phase. Players place spent Seedy Business tokens in front of their screen. You may spend as many of your Seedy Business tokens as you want in a single turn, but you can’t get more during the game so spend them wisely.
Extra Planting
Swap action.
Flush the Exchange A player may spend a Seedy Business token to move all Flowers on the Stalk Exchange to the Compost bag. After doing so, the player places their Seedy Business tokens in front of their shed, blue side facing up. Then, refill the entire Stalk Exchange with random Flower tokens from the Greenhouse bag.
Upkeep Phase
1) Harvest Flowers If any Flower tokens or Flower groups are surrounded, remove them from the Garden and set them aside for Step 3
2) Bloom Bulbs Flip over all Bulbs with at least one empty hexagon space around them.
3) Update Stalk Values Take all of the Flower tokens harvested in Step 1 and put them on the far end of the Market Track, starting at the indicated player count, and fill them in towards the other end. For every Flower token added to the Market Track, advance the matching Stalk Value token one step in value
4) Move the Stalk Exchange Move the rightmost flower on the Stalk Exchange into the Compost bag. Then shift the remaining Flower tokens as far right as possible. Lastly, refill the Stalk Exchange from the Greenhouse Bag.
Game End There are two ways for the game to end: If either one of these triggers occurs during a player’s turn, it represents a Market Crash and the game ends after the active player’s turn; followed by Bust and Final Scoring.
Bust (Finalize Stalk Values) Before Final Scoring, check the Stalk Value track. The highest valued flower loses half of its value rounded-up.
Final Scoring When the Stalk Values are finalized, all players reveal their Stalk Portfolios. Each player determines their score by multiplying each Flower token in their Stalk Portfolio by its Stalk Value and totaling those results. Score Pads are included to make this easier. The player with the most points wins. If there is a tie, the tied players compare the number of the most valuable flower(s) in their portfolio. Whoever has more wins. If there is still a tie, compare the next most valuable flower types until the tie is broken. If there is still a tie, the tied players share the victory.