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ACE Tuesday Championship Series • Altered Corner - Tuesday Tourney
Altered Tournament
300 XP
Number of players
64 / 64
Start date
This tournament has ended
  Show matches
Single Elimination
Players are eliminated from the competition after a defeat.
Number of players in a match
Number of players in a match (minimum)
Game maximum duration
30 mn
Reputation required
☯ ≥ 50%
Level required
Average players and above
Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Real-time • Fixed time limit
Time allotted to each player
Allow custom decks
Allow undo
  Register for this tournament
  Withdraw from the tournament
Tournament host:

Recent Activity

Latest results

Single Elimination


Match 1
As soon as possible
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Some players were missing
Match 6
As soon as possible
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