All reports
The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade reports
#13820: "Player had progress tiles they were ineligible for"
What is this report about?
What happened? Please select from below
Rules: a rule of the game has not been followed
Detailed description
• Which part of the rules was not followed by the BGA adaptation?
One player managed to claim 3 end game scoring tiles for which they did not have the respective deliveries. I have scoured the rulebook and I can see no way to claim a marker without coal deliveries. I don’t believe it is ever possible to have both the Ruhr Barge and Mayor tokens, for example.• Is the rules violation visible on game replay? If yes, at which move number?
Yes, though I cannot identify the time they were claimed from the games log.• Which browser are you using?
Safari v11
Report history
campanadave • Bug has not been reproduced by developers yet:
Nov 3rd 2019 8:52 • Error did not seem to be a graphical issue as I believe end game points were awarded for these tiles and the appearance of the tiles was consistent for multiple turns.
DrKarotte • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
Nov 3rd 2019 19:40 • I have in fact noticed that at a certain time one player had 2 tokens on his board which he should not have. I have not detected the reason for that; I played against myself and in a similar situation (cubes distribution) I didn't get one of the tokens, so everything seems to be ok. Will have to investigate this...
jennakaya • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
Nov 26th 2019 23:11 • In game #59839825 (at around move 239), I should have received the Warehouse token, but instead it was given to the blue player, and I was given the blank token. In the log it reads:
jennakaya claims a white development token (Warehouse)
and then:
This was the last token of this kind (Warehouse); jennakaya covers her spot with a blank development token
jennakaya claims a white development token (Warehouse)
and then:
This was the last token of this kind (Warehouse); jennakaya covers her spot with a blank development token
DrKarotte • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
Nov 27th 2019 22:06 • Thank you for reporting this and the log, which gave a good hint (the blue player got the token, but it was your name displayd). This finally helped me to detect a mistake which would cause problems when more than 1 token was claimed for a player, and the second one the last of its type (this was exactly your case). I am confident to have fixed this, so that it won't happen anymore, but unfortunately I cannot fix the table.
Add to this report
Please add here anything that seems relevant in order to reproduce this bug or understand your suggestion:
- Another table ID / move ID
- Did F5 solve the problem?
- Did the problem appear several times? Every time? Randomly?
- If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.