Superstore 3000
Welcome to Superstore 3000, the retro-futuristic mall building game where you must build the tallest and most incredible mall to satisfy as many customers as possible.
In Superstore 3000, each player builds their own mall by placing shop tiles and being the first to meet the criteria to collect the unique attraction tiles that will make your building even more exceptional.
Number of players: 2 - 4
Game duration: 21 mn
Complexity: 1 / 5
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Play Superstore 3000 and 1009 other games online.
No download necessary - play directly from your web browser.
With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
Object of the game:
Compete to build the most extraordinary mall ever! You’ll have to find the right combination of stores and attractions to satisfy the customers who visit your creation. At the end of the day, the most innovative shopping mall will stay in business!
On your turn:
Take one of two possible actions:
- Build something
- Take Money
Build something:
- Build a Mall Element
- Choose one of the face up mall elements on the 'Dispenser 3000'. Elements on the bottom row cost nothing. Elements on the 2nd row cost 1 bank note, the 3rd row costs 2 bank notes, and the top row costs 3 bank notes.
- Place the Element you just took into your Mall. You can place a new Element above your Main Entrance (either over its left half or its right half), a Docking Bay, another Mall Element, or above an Attraction’s Platform.
- You cannot build a Mall Element on the 1st floor (Ground level) or floating with no support below it
- NOTE: Entrances are red and these give you extra customers ready to satisfy with stores. Food Court stores are yellow, Hobby stores are blue, and Fashion stores are green.
- Build an attraction
- Once you meet the condition for an Attraction, you can use an action to build it. In each game there will be a selection of Attractions available to build (both Common and Individual).
- All Attractions have a condition on their matching card that must be met in your Mall before you can build it.
- To build an Attraction, remove the Attraction card from play (or reveal it for your Individual Attraction) and place the matching Attraction tile in your Mall. Attractions will grant you 4, 6, or 8 points each at the end of the game.
- The Base Plate of an Attraction must be placed above any other tile, but the Attraction cannot cover another tile even partially. It also cannot end up lower than the 1st floor of your Mall. You can flip Attractions to either side, but never place them upside down in your Mall. Attractions might open up new columns, block others, and generally change the shape of your Mall. Place them cleverly!
- Build a Docking Bay
- You can use your action to build a grey Docking Bay as soon as you have at least 1 Element of each category (Food Court, Hobby, Fashion, Entrance) in your Mall, or a brown one as soon as you have at least 2 Elements of each category in your Mall.
- You can only build 1 Docking Bay on your turn and can only have 1 of each type in your Mall.
- If you meet the requirement and decide to build a Docking Bay, choose one from the type you qualify for (nothing prevents you from building the brown one before the gray one as long as you meet the requirements) and place it on the 1st floor, adjacent to either the Main Entrance or the other Docking Bay if you already built it.
- You can now build Mall Elements and Attractions on top of this Docking Bay. Each Docking Bay shows how many points it scores at the end of the game. Most of them also have a game effect.
Moving customers:
If building something satisfies one of your customers, your customer will move to that tile. If it satisfies multiple customers, you will get to choose which customer moves onto the newly built tile.
Only one customer can stay in each store. If a store is occupied, customers can travel through them but cannot be placed there.
A customer can move up to 3 tiles to reach their Store of choice. They can move vertically (upward or downward) or horizontally (side to side), but never diagonally.
NOTE: Attraction Tiles do not count in the limit of 3 tiles.
Game End:
The game ends as soon as one of the following conditions is met:
- The last Mall Element from the supply is placed on the 'Dispenser 3000'
- The last Common (pink or purple) attraction is built
You then play until the end of the current round, so all players have played the same number of turns.
- Unsatisfied Customers and unused Bank Notes are worth nothing.
- Rainbow balloons are distributed amongst players - in the case of a tie, the greatest valued balloon goes to the player with a customer in the highest position in their Mall.
- Coloured balloons (Blue/Yellow/Green) are distributed to the players with the biggest clusters of the corresponding colour. Ties are broken using the number of satisfied Customers in those clusters.
- Once all balloons are distributed, add the value of all balloons in your mall to get your final score. This includes the balloons on attractions and docking bays.
In case of a tie, the winner is the tied player with the highest valued rainbow Balloon token.