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Playing profile

bobbypumps average All players' average Winners' average
Thinking time
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Number of sold black coal dice
Total pip value of sold black coal dice
Number of sold white coal dice
Total pip value of sold white coal dice
Number of coal dice sold to city locations (excluding Ruhrort)
Number of coal dice sold to industry locations
Number of coal dice sold to Port Ruhrort
Thalers earned by selling coal
Thalers taken from locations
Thalers earned from warehouses
Number of locks built
Warehouses in city locations
Warehouses in depot locations
Warehouses in Port Ruhrort
First player in phase 3
Rounds without special action taken
Special action taken: Transport
Special action taken: Hauling
Special action taken: Transport + Hauling
Special action taken: Wage
Special action taken: Pilot
Special action taken: Transport + Pilot
Special action taken: Hauling + Pilot
Special action taken: Supply
Fields moved with the barge
Debts taken
Debts repaid
Emergency debts taken
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