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Players' statistics are only available to players who become Board Game Arena Premium members

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Playing profile

Ulfasso average All players' average Winners' average
Thinking time
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Number of turns
Number of flat out
Percentage of flat out
Total number of focus
Number of focus used
Number of loss of control during normal roll
Number of loss of control during flat out
Total number of loss of control
Total Number of damages
Number of dice thrown
Number of 1! dice thrown
Number of 1! ⚠ thrown
Number of 2! dice thrown
Number of 2! ⚠ thrown
1! Percentage thrown
2! Percentage thrown
Number of ⚠ due to track
Number of immediate loss of control due to track
Average finish gear
Turns finished at gear 00
Turns finished at gear 0
Turns finished at gear 1
Turns finished at gear 2
Turns finished at gear 3
Turns finished at gear 4
Turns finished at gear 5
Turns finished at gear 6
chrono time (seconds)

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