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Players' statistics are only available to players who become Board Game Arena Premium members

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Playing profile

cutielemon average All players' average Winners' average
Thinking time
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Score from bird cards
Score from bonus cards
Score from end-round goals
Score from eggs
Score from cached food
Score from tucked bird cards
Food tokens in supply
Birds in the forest
Birds in the grassland
Birds in the wetland
Round 1 goal value
Round 2 goal value
Round 3 goal value
Round 4 goal value
Round 1 goal score
Round 2 goal score
Round 3 goal score
Round 4 goal score
Food gained from Forest action
Food gained from bird powers
Eggs gained from Grassland action
Eggs gained from bird powers
Bird cards gained from wetland action
Bird cards gained from bird powers
Bonus cards in hand
Bird cards in hand
Forest Bird 1
Forest Bird 2
Forest Bird 3
Forest Bird 4
Forest Bird 5
Grassland Bird 1
Grassland Bird 2
Grassland Bird 3
Grassland Bird 4
Grassland Bird 5
Wetland Bird 1
Wetland Bird 2
Wetland Bird 3
Wetland Bird 4
Wetland Bird 5
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