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Table configuration

Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
Time allotted to each player
7 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Game board
Revised Base Game
Faction board
Factions selected in player order
Starting VP
Adjusted by Faction
Turn order
Variable turn order
Landscapes expansion
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles
Fire and Ice - Factions
Fan Factions

8 min

average waiting time

Game result

Kathryne Keyron
Kathryne Keyron (Bug reporter) [creator]
158 (0)
+27   ->  

CHTennis (Bug reporter) [creator]
138 (0)
-14   ->  


Go Premium to see game statistics!

Game duration
Players' average level
Average score
Number of Actions taken
Winning Faction
Game board
Landscapes expansion
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles
Fire and Ice - Factions
Fan Factions
Kathryne KeyronCHTennis
Game result 1st (158)2nd (138)
Thinking time masked minmasked min
Number of Actions taken maskedmasked
Faction maskedmasked
Starting VPs maskedmasked
First turn order maskedmasked
Dwellings built maskedmasked
Trading houses built maskedmasked
Temples built maskedmasked
Sanctuary built maskedmasked
Stronghold built maskedmasked
Towns founded maskedmasked
Favor tiles maskedmasked
Transform to Home terrain maskedmasked
Transform to other Terrain maskedmasked
Advance on the Shipping track maskedmasked
Advance on the Exchange track maskedmasked
Cult of Fire track space maskedmasked
Cult of Water track space maskedmasked
Cult of Earth track space maskedmasked
Cult of Air track space maskedmasked
'Build a Bridge' Power actions maskedmasked
'Collect 1 Priest' Power actions maskedmasked
'Collect 2 Workers' Power actions maskedmasked
'Collect 7 Coins' Power actions maskedmasked
'Get 1 Spade' Power actions maskedmasked
'Get 2 Spades' Power actions maskedmasked
Coins collected via income maskedmasked
Coins collected on Bonus cards maskedmasked
Coins collected via Power actions maskedmasked
Coins collected by founding Towns maskedmasked
Coins collected via Cult bonus maskedmasked
Coins collected by Conversions maskedmasked
Coins earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Total Coins collected maskedmasked
Workers collected via income maskedmasked
Workers collected via Power actions maskedmasked
Workers collected via Cult bonuses maskedmasked
Workers collected by founding Towns maskedmasked
Workers collected by Conversions maskedmasked
Workers earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Total Workers collected maskedmasked
Priests collected via income maskedmasked
Priests collected via Power actions maskedmasked
Priests collected via Cult bonus maskedmasked
Priests collected by founding Towns maskedmasked
Priests collected by Conversions maskedmasked
Priests earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability maskedmasked
Total Priests collected maskedmasked
Power gained via income maskedmasked
Power gained via Structures maskedmasked
Power gained via Cult tracks maskedmasked
Power gained via Cult bonus maskedmasked
Power gained by founding Towns maskedmasked
Power gained by sacrificing Power maskedmasked
Power gained via Faction ability or Stronghold maskedmasked
Total Power gained maskedmasked
New Power token gained maskedmasked
Power token sacrificed maskedmasked
VP awarded via Scoring tiles maskedmasked
VP awarded via Favor tiles maskedmasked
VP awarded via Bonus cards maskedmasked
VP awarded by founding Towns maskedmasked
VP awarded via Area scoring maskedmasked
VP awarded via Cult scoring maskedmasked
VP earned by Fire & Ice Final Scoring maskedmasked
VP awarded via Resource scoring maskedmasked
VP awarded via Faction ability or Stronghold maskedmasked
VP awarded by advancing Exchange track maskedmasked
VP awarded by advancing Shipping track maskedmasked
Total VP awarded maskedmasked
Starting VP for the chosen Faction maskedmasked
VP lost to gain Power via Structures maskedmasked
VP spent with Faction ability maskedmasked
All stats
Kathryne Keyron's statistics at this game
CHTennis's statistics at this game

Table configuration

Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
+0:00 per turn (maximum 0:00)
Time allotted to each player
7 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Game board
Revised Base Game
Faction board
Factions selected in player order
Starting VP
Adjusted by Faction
Turn order
Variable turn order
Landscapes expansion
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles
Fire and Ice - Factions
Fan Factions

Players around this table now

Game info

How to play?

Published by :


Developed by :

Board Game Arena (Een), Rincevent123

Release :


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