_Rita_Welcome to the enchanted forest of Loco Momo!
We are going to collect pictures of animals with our brand new camera to create the best collection in the forest, score the most points and become the winning photographer!
(If anytime during the tutorial you can't see important details because of the appearing text boxes, try zooming out or rotating the screen on your phone)
_Rita_We have 6 rounds to do so, as indicated here at the top of the main board.2round-tracker000round-tracker 1
_Rita_Let's pick our first animals!
If you take a closer look at the main board, the animals can be found in four areas, each of which contain 4 animal tiles.
When you click on an animal, it "moves" to another area and brings *all the animals* of the *same background colour* from the target area with itself.
(You also take the animal you clicked on)
Each animal has *its own rules* for moving.3archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment000
_Rita_Click on this [green] green [/green] leopard, then click "Confirm" at the top!4game-board-31_item_25010game-board-31_item_25 16
*Leopards* move one area *counterclockwise*.
This is why we could take all the [green] green [/green] animals from this area.
(They had the same background colour as the leopard we chose)1game-board-416221d6afca2f500game-board-44 8 game-board-43 8 game-board-41 8 game-board-31 14
_Rita_Now let's find a place for them on our board!
(You might need to scroll down for that)2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6221d6afca2f500
_Rita_We are going to put them in the [red] 2nd and 3rd [/red] rows.
Players are collecting *vertical* pairs here. Such pairs should consist of the same *species* of animal, their colours don't matter.
(However, it is worth collecting the same colour, but we will talk about that later...)
Each vertical pair is worth *3 points*. (Notice a small reference of scoring on the right side of the board)3loc_player-board-86588428-row-26221d6afca2f500loc_player-board-86588428-row-1 1 loc_player-board-86588428-row-2 1
_Rita_First, put the *leopards below each other* in the 2nd and 3rd rows, then do the same with the eagles! (It's enough to click on the target rows in the right order, you don't need to click on the animals.). Don't worry if you make a mistake, you can restart placing your animals at the top. :)
Confirm your moves at the top when you're done. :)
!!! When placing animals, you *must* fill up the rows from the left. You *cannot* leave empty spaces!
[tip] You can place the chosen animals in *any order*. To do so, click on the animal you wish to place first, then choose the row.
(Unfortunately you cannot try this in this tutorial because it only works if you place the animals in the above mentioned order. :( ) We'll give this a try later. :)6loc_player-board-86588428-row-26221d6afca2f510composition-area-86588428_item_26 2 composition-area-86588428_item_60 2 composition-area-86588428_item_79 3 composition-area-86588428_item_25 3 loc_player-board-86588428-row-1 2 loc_player-board-86588428-row-2 3
Our opponent took a [blue]blue[/blue] duck from here!1game-board-416221d6e68bb5100game-board-41 2
_Rita_*Duck*s move *clockwise* to the next area containing *at least one duck*. In this case, the [blue] blue[/blue] duck moved *here* because of this brown duck, and took all the [blue] blue[/blue] animals with itself.
[tip] If there are no other ducks on the board, the duck stays in its initial area.
But where is she going to put her animals?2game-board-13_item_536221d6e68bb5100game-board-41 9 game-board-31_item_76 10 game-board-24_item_95 14 game-board-13_item_53 1
_Rita_She put them *here* in the *5th row*.
The 5th row is for collecting *different species* of animals. (Again, their colours don't matter.)
On the right side of your board you can see how they are scored:
You get
1 point for 1,
2 points for 2,
5 points for 3,
9 points for 4, and
14 points for 5 *different* species of animals collected here.1loc_player-board-92221888-row-46221d6fe290b100loc_player-board-92221888-row-4 1
_Rita_It's our turn again!
Let's choose this [green]eagle[/green] this time!
(Don't forget to confirm your choice at the top.)2game-board-43_item_116221d6fe290b110game-board-43_item_11 16
_Rita_Well done!
*Eagle*s move *diagonally*.
That's why we could take the [green]green[/green] animals from this area. (They had the same background as the eagle we picked.)
Now it's time to find a place for them!1game-board-226221d7386f72900game-board-24 3 game-board-22 3
_Rita_This time we can try placing animals in a different order:
First, let's put the [blue]leopard[/blue] and the [blue]eagle[/blue] in the [blue] first row [/blue], just above the matching pairs! (Click on the animal you wish to place first, then choose the row.)
Then put the [red] rabbit[/red] in the [red] 4th row [/red].
Confirm your moves at the top when you're done.
!!! You can only continue the tutorial if you place the *leopard* and the *eagle first*. If you start with the rabbit, you won't be able to proceed... :(2loc_player-board-865884286221d7387063810composition-area-86588428_item_50 1 composition-area-86588428_item_95 2 composition-area-86588428_item_11 2 loc_player-board-86588428-row-0 2 loc_player-board-86588428-row-3 1
_Rita_In the first row players score *4 points* for each animal that *matches* the *species* (not the colour) in the vertical pair below them.
Again, you can also see this on the right side of your board.1loc_player-board-86588428-row-06221d74c9de6e00
_Rita_Players are collecting the *same species* (regardless of colour) of animals in the 4th row.
They are scored the same way as the *5th row*. (See the reference on the right side.)
[tip] You can also collect more than one species here. In that case, sets are going to be scored separately.2loc_player-board-86588428-row-36221d74c9de6e00
_Rita_This time, our opponent took a *bear*.
The bear *stays in its initial area* and brings the animals with a matching background colour from there.1game-board-236221d7766d25700game-board-23 1
_Rita_It's our turn again!
Let's take this [green] green[/green] duck then click "Confirm" at the top!1game-board-24_item_986221d7864e68010game-board-24_item_98 16
_Rita_Remember that I told you that it's worth collecting the same colour too?
Now is the time to learn why! :)
Put the [green] rabbit [/green] in the [green] 4th row[/green], then the [blue] eagle and the duck[/blue] in the [blue] 5th row [/blue].
Don't forget to click "Confirm" when you're done! :)1loc_player-board-86588428-row-46221d7ab9a5ef10composition-area-86588428_item_8 2 composition-area-86588428_item_51 3 composition-area-86588428_item_98 2 loc_player-board-86588428-row-3 3 loc_player-board-86588428-row-4 2
_Rita_Look how many points we have!
This is because players score *5 points* for each *column or row* that is filled with animals of the *same colour*! :)1player_board_865884286221d7b7660cd00player_board_86588428 6
_Rita_Now let's fast forward a bit to our next turn in order to show you the last animal.
Can you guess which one it is? :)2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6221d7b7660cd00
_Rita_Click on this *rabbit* to see where it hops! :)
(Confirm your move)1game-board-41_item_316221d7e9be0bc10game-board-41_item_31 16
_Rita_Well done!
*Rabbit*s move one area *clockwise* and bring the animals with a matching background from there.1game-board-326221d89524dc300game-board-41 9 game-board-34 2 game-board-32 2
_Rita_To sum up, there are 5 species of animals:
- *Leopard*: moves 1 area *counterclockwise*
- *Duck*: moves *clockwise* to the next area containing *at least one duck*
- *Eagle*: moves *diagonally*
- *Bear*: stays in its *initial area*
- *Rabbit*: moves 1 area *clockwise*2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6221d89524dc300
_Rita_And that's all! :)
Congratulations, now you know all the rules to play Loco Momo!
[tip] In case you forgot what to collect in each row, there are small symbols on the *left* side of your board to help you remember.
Also, if your screen is big enough, you can see how animals move in the middle of the main board.
Time to go and collect some cute animals! :)3archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6221d89524dc300
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