The end of the game: Red Baron 101 wins!
Click on a player's name in the scoresheet to review final scoring
RoseofIslay scores 3 points for cards tucked behind birds
RoseofIslay scores 1 points for cached food tokens
RoseofIslay scores 18 points for eggs on birds
RoseofIslay scores 10 points for end of round goals
Passerine Specialist: RoseofIslay has 6 birds, scoring 6
Nest Box Builder: RoseofIslay has 5 birds, scoring 4
Food Web Expert: RoseofIslay has 2 birds, scoring 4
RoseofIslay scores 50 points for birds
Red Baron 101 scores 16 points for cards tucked behind birds
Red Baron 101 scores 0 points for cached food tokens
Red Baron 101 scores 28 points for eggs on birds
Red Baron 101 scores 2 points for end of round goals
Viticulturalist: Red Baron 101 has 5 birds, scoring 7
Large Bird Specialist: Red Baron 101 has 4 birds, scoring 3
Ecologist: Red Baron 101 has 3 birds, scoring 6
Forester: Red Baron 101 has 2 birds, scoring 0
Red Baron 101 scores 50 points for birds
mierzhere scores 4 points for cards tucked behind birds
mierzhere scores 1 points for cached food tokens
mierzhere scores 15 points for eggs on birds
mierzhere scores 12 points for end of round goals
Rodentologist: mierzhere has 6 birds, scoring 12
mierzhere scores 61 points for birds
Gorkig scores 5 points for cards tucked behind birds
Gorkig scores 1 points for cached food tokens
Gorkig scores 10 points for eggs on birds
Gorkig scores 10 points for end of round goals
Wetland Scientist: Gorkig has 5 birds, scoring 7
Historian: Gorkig has 3 birds, scoring 6
Gorkig scores 64 points for birds
Red Baron 101 scores 0 points
RoseofIslay is in rank 3 with 13, scoring 3 points
Gorkig is in rank 2 with 14, scoring 4 points
mierzhere is in rank 1 with 15, scoring 7 points
Action cubes are returned to each player's supply
Red Baron 101 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Purple Martin: Red Baron 101 has no birds in hand to discard
Red Baron 101 chooses not to use Anna's Hummingbird's power
Barn Swallow: Red Baron 101 has no birds in hand to discard
American Robin: Red Baron 101 has no birds in hand to discard
Eastern Phoebe:
RoseofIslay gains food from supply
Eastern Phoebe:
Red Baron 101 gains food from supply
Eastern Phoebe:
mierzhere gains food from supply
Eastern Phoebe:
Gorkig gains food from supply
3/26/2025 02:02 AM
Red Baron 101 may undo up to this point
Bronzed Cowbird lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
Barrow's Goldeneye lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
08:21 PM
Red Baron 101 lays 5 eggs, discarding
Red Baron 101 places an action cube in the Grassland
06:22 PM
Red Baron 101 may undo up to this point
mierzhere plays
Juniper Titmouse in Forest, paying
mierzhere places an action cube under Play Bird
05:36 PM
mierzhere may undo up to this point
01:43 PM
Gorkig plays
American Kestrel in Grassland, paying
Gorkig places an action cube under Play Bird
01:42 PM
Gorkig may undo up to this point
RoseofIslay moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in mierzhere's wildlife preserve
01:26 PM
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
11:52 AM
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in Red Baron 101's wildlife preserve
10:02 AM
Lazuli Bunting lays 2 eggs in RoseofIslay's wildlife preserve
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
House Finch: RoseofIslay draws 1 bird cards from the deck
House Finch: RoseofIslay tucks a bird from their hand
RoseofIslay places an action cube in the Grassland
08:36 AM
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
Red Baron 101 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Purple Martin: Red Baron 101 has no birds in hand to discard
Red Baron 101 chooses not to use Anna's Hummingbird's power
Barn Swallow: Red Baron 101 has no birds in hand to discard
American Robin: Red Baron 101 has no birds in hand to discard
Eastern Phoebe:
RoseofIslay gains food from supply
Eastern Phoebe:
Red Baron 101 gains food from supply
Eastern Phoebe:
mierzhere gains food from supply
Eastern Phoebe:
Gorkig gains food from supply
08:20 AM
Red Baron 101 may undo up to this point
Bronzed Cowbird lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
Barrow's Goldeneye lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
3/25/2025 06:21 AM
Red Baron 101 lays 4 eggs
Red Baron 101 places an action cube in the Grassland
11:43 PM
Red Baron 101 may undo up to this point
mierzhere plays
Barred Owl in Forest, paying
mierzhere places an action cube under Play Bird
06:03 PM
mierzhere may undo up to this point
Gorkig plays
Red-Tailed Hawk in Grassland, paying
Gorkig places an action cube under Play Bird
05:42 AM
Gorkig may undo up to this point
RoseofIslay moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in Red Baron 101's wildlife preserve
3/24/2025 02:30 AM
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
10:19 PM
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in mierzhere's wildlife preserve
08:14 PM
Lazuli Bunting lays 2 eggs in RoseofIslay's wildlife preserve
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
House Finch: RoseofIslay draws 1 bird cards from the deck
House Finch: RoseofIslay tucks a bird from their hand
RoseofIslay places an action cube in the Grassland
08:06 PM
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
Red Baron 101 discards one of the bonus cards just drawn
Red Baron 101 may undo up to this point
Red Baron 101 draws 2 bonus cards from the deck
Red Baron 101 plays
Roseate Spoonbill in Wetland, paying
Red Baron 101 places an action cube under Play Bird
06:31 PM
Red Baron 101 may undo up to this point
mierzhere moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
mierzhere chooses not to use Common Raven's power
mierzhere chooses not to use Franklin's Gull's power
mierzhere may undo up to this point
mierzhere may undo up to this point
Swainson's Hawk hunts Bell's Vireo
04:09 PM
Northern Bobwhite lays an egg in mierzhere's wildlife preserve
mierzhere may undo up to this point
Bronzed Cowbird lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
Barrow's Goldeneye lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
07:15 AM
mierzhere lays 5 eggs, discarding
mierzhere places an action cube in the Grassland
3/23/2025 05:47 AM
mierzhere may undo up to this point
Gorkig moves action cube to the beginning of the Forest and ends their turn
Eastern Screech Owl: None of the rolled dice match
Gorkig may undo up to this point
Gorkig rolls dice not in feeder
American Crow:
Gorkig gains food from supply
American Crow: Gorkig removes egg from Common Merganser
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird:
Gorkig takes food from the birdfeeder
Gorkig may undo up to this point
Gorkig rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
08:44 AM
Gorkig may undo up to this point
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird:
RoseofIslay takes food from the birdfeeder
08:02 AM
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird:
Red Baron 101 takes food from the birdfeeder
07:59 AM
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird:
mierzhere takes food from the birdfeeder
3/22/2025 12:13 AM
Gorkig takes food from the birdfeeder
Gorkig may undo up to this point
Gorkig rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
Gorkig takes food from the birdfeeder
Gorkig places an action cube in the Forest
08:50 AM
Gorkig may undo up to this point
RoseofIslay moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
RoseofIslay may undo up to this point
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in Red Baron 101's wildlife preserve
07:55 AM
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in mierzhere's wildlife preserve
07:15 AM
Lazuli Bunting lays an egg in Gorkig's wildlife preserve
06:52 AM
Lazuli Bunting lays 2 eggs in RoseofIslay's wildlife preserve
3/21/2025 06:43 AM
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