Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Pepez moves action cube to the beginning of the Wetland and ends their turn
Pepez may undo up to this point
Purple Martin: Pepez draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Purple Martin: Pepez tucks a bird from their hand
Green Heron:
Pepez gains food from supply
Green Heron:
Pepez pays food to supply
Pepez may undo up to this point
Pepez draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Pepez draws Painted Bunting from the tray
Pepez places an action cube in the Wetland
10:15 PM
Pepez may undo up to this point
4chip4 moves action cube to the beginning of the Forest and ends their turn
4chip4 chooses not to use Ruby-Throated Hummingbird's power
09:31 PM
Red-Bellied Woodpecker: 4chip4 takes Seed from the birdfeeder
4chip4 takes food from the birdfeeder
09:30 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
4chip4 rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
4chip4 places an action cube in the Forest
09:29 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
DivineEvolution moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
DivineEvolution chooses not to use Killdeer's power
Chihuahuan Raven:
DivineEvolution gains food from supply
Chihuahuan Raven:
DivineEvolution gains food from supply
Chihuahuan Raven: DivineEvolution removes egg from Killdeer
12:00 PM
Cassin's Sparrow lays an egg in DivineEvolution's wildlife preserve
DivineEvolution lays 3 eggs
DivineEvolution places an action cube in the Grassland
3/20/2025 11:59 AM
DivineEvolution may undo up to this point
Zoe Ripley moves action cube to the beginning of the Forest and ends their turn
Zoe Ripley takes food from the birdfeeder and discards 1 bird
Zoe Ripley places an action cube in the Forest
09:25 PM
Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Round 3: Zoe Ripley is now first player
Birds in the bird tray are discarded
4chip4, Zoe Ripley tie for rank 2 with 4; each scores ( 2+ 1)/2 = 1 points
DivineEvolution is in rank 1 with 5, scoring 5 points
Action cubes are returned to each player's supply
4chip4 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
4chip4 chooses not to use Common Grackle's power
09:03 PM
4chip4 places an action cube in the Grassland
09:02 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
DivineEvolution moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
DivineEvolution chooses not to use Killdeer's power
02:51 PM
DivineEvolution chooses not to use Chihuahuan Raven's power
02:50 PM
Cassin's Sparrow lays an egg in DivineEvolution's wildlife preserve
DivineEvolution lays 3 eggs
DivineEvolution places an action cube in the Grassland
02:48 PM
DivineEvolution may undo up to this point
Zoe Ripley moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Chipping Sparrow lays an egg in Zoe Ripley's wildlife preserve
Zoe Ripley lays 3 eggs, discarding
Zoe Ripley places an action cube in the Grassland
3/19/2025 10:10 AM
Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Pepez moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Pepez may undo up to this point
Golden Eagle attempts to hunt Great Egret, but its wingspan is greater than 100 cm
3/18/2025 10:00 PM
Pepez may undo up to this point
Turkey Vulture:
Zoe Ripley takes food from the birdfeeder
Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Zoe Ripley rolls all dice in the birdfeeder
09:38 PM
Pepez may undo up to this point
Greater Roadrunner hunts American Woodcock
Pepez places an action cube in the Grassland
05:37 PM
Pepez may undo up to this point
4chip4 moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
Common Grackle lays an egg in 4chip4's wildlife preserve
Common Grackle: 4chip4 tucks a bird from their hand
4chip4 places an action cube in the Grassland
01:55 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
03:02 AM
DivineEvolution plays
Cassin's Sparrow in Grassland, paying
DivineEvolution places an action cube under Play Bird
3/17/2025 03:01 AM
DivineEvolution may undo up to this point
Zoe Ripley plays
Chipping Sparrow in Grassland, paying
Zoe Ripley places an action cube under Play Bird
Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Pepez moves action cube to the beginning of the Forest and ends their turn
Pepez may undo up to this point
Turkey Vulture:
Zoe Ripley takes food from the birdfeeder
08:41 PM
Pepez may undo up to this point
Barred Owl hunts Loggerhead Shrike
Pepez takes food from the birdfeeder and discards 1 bird
Pepez places an action cube in the Forest
3/15/2025 08:30 PM
Pepez may undo up to this point
4chip4 plays
Red-Bellied Woodpecker in Forest, paying
4chip4 places an action cube under Play Bird
11:53 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
08:46 PM
DivineEvolution moves action cube to the beginning of the Grassland and ends their turn
DivineEvolution chooses not to use Killdeer's power
08:45 PM
Chihuahuan Raven:
DivineEvolution gains food from supply
Chihuahuan Raven:
DivineEvolution gains food from supply
Chihuahuan Raven: DivineEvolution removes egg from Carolina Chickadee
08:44 PM
DivineEvolution lays 3 eggs
DivineEvolution places an action cube in the Grassland
08:43 PM
DivineEvolution may undo up to this point
Eastern Kingbird:
Pepez gains food from supply
Zoe Ripley plays
Turkey Vulture in Forest, paying
Zoe Ripley plays
Tufted Titmouse in Forest, paying
Zoe Ripley plays
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet in Forest, paying
Zoe Ripley places an action cube under Play Bird
10:51 AM
Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Pepez plays
Greater Roadrunner in Grassland, paying
Pepez places an action cube under Play Bird
3/14/2025 06:34 AM
Pepez may undo up to this point
4chip4 moves action cube to the beginning of the Wetland and ends their turn
DivineEvolution may undo up to this point
Spotted Sandpiper: DivineEvolution draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Zoe Ripley may undo up to this point
Spotted Sandpiper: Zoe Ripley draws 1 bird cards from the deck
Pepez may undo up to this point
Spotted Sandpiper: Pepez draws 1 bird cards from the deck
4chip4 may undo up to this point
Spotted Sandpiper: 4chip4 draws 1 bird cards from the deck
American Crow:
4chip4 gains food from supply
American Crow: 4chip4 removes egg from Common Grackle
10:01 PM
4chip4 draws Black Tern from the tray
4chip4 removes egg from Belted Kingfisher to draw another bird
10:00 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
4chip4 draws 2 bird cards from the deck
4chip4 places an action cube in the Wetland
09:59 PM
4chip4 may undo up to this point
DivineEvolution plays
Chihuahuan Raven in Grassland, paying
DivineEvolution places an action cube under Play Bird
3/13/2025 01:52 PM
Did you know?
If some players are not playing, just wait until they run out of thinking time, then expel them from the game.