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Table #645034452
Move #58
Progression 46%
Previously on Downforce #645034452 ... ([Skip last moves replay])


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Two players variant
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This game has been updated since the start of the game: thus the replay is EXPERIMENTAL.

My hand

6 5 4 3 2 1



0 -832818601 eur Visitor-832


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Two players variant
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Note: 3D is experimental

You are a spectator
2 days
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2 days
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Jeff Hammer
2 days
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Lord Taurus
2 days
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Spectators: Visitor-832818601
All players must bet on the winner
A car crossed the second betting line
moves 1 space out of 1
moves 2 spaces out of 2 (auto move)
moves 3 spaces out of 3
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 5 spaces out of 5
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Lord Taurus plays a card
01:46 PM
moves 2 spaces out of 2
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 3 spaces out of 6
Jeff Hammer plays a card
01:27 PM
moves 1 space out of 1 (auto move)
moves 2 spaces out of 2 (auto move)
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Tecchthree plays a card
01:04 PM
moves 1 space out of 1 (auto move)
moves 2 spaces out of 2
moves 3 spaces out of 3
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 1 space out of 5
moves 6 spaces out of 6 (auto move)
FreyChicken plays a card
07:29 AM
All players must bet on the winner
A car crossed the first betting line
moves 1 space out of 1
moves 1 space out of 2 (auto move)
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Lord Taurus plays a card
01:09 AM
is blocked ... how sad!
moves 2 spaces out of 4 (auto move)
moves 5 spaces out of 6 (auto move)
Jeff Hammer plays a card
12:31 AM
moves 8 spaces out of 8 (auto move)
Tecchthree plays a card
3/18/2025 12:23 AM
moves 8 spaces out of 8
FreyChicken plays a card
10:23 PM
moves 1 space out of 1
moves 2 spaces out of 2
moves 3 spaces out of 3
09:38 PM
moves 4 spaces out of 4
moves 5 spaces out of 5
moves 6 spaces out of 6
Lord Taurus plays a card
09:37 PM
All cars bought, starting the race !
Jeff Hammer wins the auction with bid 1
Auction starts for
Tecchthree wins the auction with bid $4M
08:26 PM
Auction starts for
FreyChicken wins the auction with bid $1M
05:47 PM
Auction starts for
Lord Taurus wins the auction with bid $3M
02:54 PM
Auction starts for
Lord Taurus wins the auction with bid $5M
01:04 PM
Auction starts for
Tecchthree wins the auction with bid $4M
07:32 AM
Auction starts for
The colors of Tecchthree, Jeff Hammer have been chosen according to their preferences. Change my preferences.
3/17/2025 01:15 AM
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