greyrock finished giving clues
03:28 PM
RedVyper finished giving clues
3/21/2025 01:30 AM
Markell finished giving clues
11:55 PM
AlyzaVonMondsee finished giving clues
08:01 PM
Crixuss finished giving clues
07:31 PM
New round begins. Active player is Hoolio79
07:23 PM
It's time to reveal all clues: Achilles, bastard, high, shoe, bruised
A word "Heel" is a perfect match, good job, Crixuss!
07:11 PM
Hoolio79 finished giving clues
05:16 PM
This real-time table has been switched to turn-based.
04:43 PM
greyrock finished giving clues
04:41 PM
AlyzaVonMondsee finished giving clues
Markell finished giving clues
RedVyper finished giving clues
04:39 PM
New round begins. Active player is Crixuss
It's time to reveal all clues: eye, Cover, hat, ounce, marijuana
A word "Lid" is a perfect match, good job, Markell!
04:38 PM
greyrock finished giving clues
04:36 PM
Crixuss finished giving clues
Hoolio79 finished giving clues
RedVyper finished giving clues
04:35 PM
AlyzaVonMondsee finished giving clues
New round begins. Active player is Markell
It's time to reveal all clues: cartilaginous, Vans, hockey, speed, wheels
Unfortunately the guess was incorrect and your team loses next card
The mystery word was "Skate", now it's up to Markell to decide if the guess was correct
AlyzaVonMondsee thinks the mystery word is "car"
04:34 PM
Crixuss finished giving clues
04:31 PM
Hoolio79 finished giving clues
greyrock finished giving clues
RedVyper finished giving clues
Markell finished giving clues
04:30 PM
New round begins. Active player is AlyzaVonMondsee
It's time to reveal all clues: Easter, Gospel, church, NFL, weekend
A word "Sunday" is a perfect match, good job, greyrock!
04:29 PM
AlyzaVonMondsee finished giving clues
Hoolio79 finished giving clues
Crixuss finished giving clues
04:27 PM
RedVyper finished giving clues
Markell finished giving clues
New round begins. Active player is greyrock
It's time to reveal all clues: screw, conversation, common, spool, CPU
Unfortunately the guess was incorrect and your team loses next card
04:26 PM
The mystery word was "Thread", now it's up to greyrock to decide if the guess was correct
RedVyper thinks the mystery word is "Driver"
greyrock finished giving clues
Crixuss finished giving clues
04:25 PM
Hoolio79 finished giving clues
Markell finished giving clues
AlyzaVonMondsee finished giving clues
04:24 PM
New round begins. Active player is RedVyper
It's time to reveal all clues: nopales, Pricks, peyote, ouch, Saguaro
A word "Cactus" is a perfect match, good job, Hoolio79!
04:23 PM
AlyzaVonMondsee finished giving clues
greyrock finished giving clues
04:22 PM
Crixuss finished giving clues
RedVyper finished giving clues
Markell finished giving clues
New round begins. Active player is Hoolio79
The colors of
AlyzaVonMondsee have been chosen according to their preferences.
Change my preferences.3/20/2025 04:21 PM
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